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I lived my life on a razor blade
Never found escape in my empty shade
Till came one day when the c.i.a
Said we need you bad down in leningrad
I took my life of a legal alien
A "bolivian dancer" that's what i was
And I knew I found my aim
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
I met freulein in a french caf?
Just a cigarette and "les jeux sont faits"
Till came one night when she was in sight
Through the bathroom door saw her seek for more
I took my colt and I pointed at her eyes
A sentimental cancer that's what it was
And I knew I lost my prize
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
She looked at me god she was so sweet
She knelt to my feet said she had to cheat
Cause she lived her life on the sharpest knife
And the k.g.b never let her breathe
I took her hand we decided to go far
The naivest "dancer" that's what I was
And two men approached the car
Just telephone mama
Just living on a poison pill
Just telephone mama
A robot dressed to kill
Telephone mama
That's all I kept in mind
Just telephone mama
The rest is left behind
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Ca aurait pu intégrer le programme "Bidophone", ou "Bonne fête maman", mais c'est uniquement là pour l'italo-dance, même si c'est pas le meilleur titre de Gazebo.
Merci pour ce cadeau de Fête des Mères :-)
ils ont dû passer plus de temps à bosser la pochette que la chanson
La bande-son réalisée sur Amiga, chapeau, c'est tout à fait dans le ton des années 1980 !
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