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Procol Harum - Conquistador

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Titre : Conquistador

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Gary Brooker - Keith Reid

Pochette : Dickinson

Durée : 2 m 38 s

Label : Deram / Stateside / Pathé Marconi

Référence : SSSX 340.600 (pressage LP français)

Présentation : Extrait du premier album du groupe. Adapté en français par Esther Galil.
Le titre fut ressorti en 1972 dans une version single enregistrée en concert un peu plus élaborée, à l'occasion de la sortie de la compilation "The best of Procol Harum".

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Conquistador your stallion stands
in need of company
and like some angel's haloed brow
you reek of purity
I see your armour-plated breast
has long since lost its sheen
and in your death mask face
there are no signs which can be seen

And though I hoped for something to find
I could see no maze to unwind

Conquistador a vulture sits
upon your silver shield
and in your rusty scabbard now
the sand has taken seed
and though your jewel-encrusted blade
has not been plundered still
the sea has washed across your face
and taken of its fill

And though I hoped for something to find
I could see no maze to unwind

Conquistador there is no time
I must pay my respect
and though I came to jeer at you
I leave now with regret
and as the gloom begins to fall
I see there is no, only all
and though you came with sword held high
you did not conquer, only die

And though I hoped for something to find
I could see no maze to unwind
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