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Ah! I love the colorful clothes she wears
And the way the sunlight plays upon her hair
Ah! I hear the sound of a gentle word
On the wind that lifts her perfume through the air
{Refrain:} I'm pickin' up good vibrations
She's givin' me the excitations
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Ooo, bop-bop, good vibrations)
She's givin' me the excitations
(Bop-bop, excitations)
(Good, good, good, good vibrations)
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Ooo, bop-bop, good vibrations)
She's givin' me the excitation
(Bop-bop, excitations)
(Good, good, good, good vibrations)
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Ooo, bop-bop, good vibrations)
She's givin' me the excitations
(Bop-bop, excitations)
Close my eyes…
She's somehow closer now
Softly smile I know she must be kind
When – I look in her eyes
She goes with me to a blossom world
I don't know where, but she sends me there
(Oh, my my love sensation)
(Oh, my my heart elation)
Gotta keep those lovin' good vibrations a-happenin' with her x3
(Good, good, good, good vibrations)
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Ooo, bop-bop, good vibrations)
She's givin' me the excitation
(Bop-bop, excitations)
(Good, good, good, good vibrations)
I'm pickin' up good vibrations
(Ooo, bop-bop, good vibrations)
Na na-na na-na na-na-na
Na na-na na-na na-na-na
Na na-na na-na na-na-na
Na na-na na-na na-na-na
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Voir tous les commentaires
4 commentaires
CortiLe 25/03/2010
Le texte de presentation presente bien.
videoman13Le 27/03/2010
toujours aussi genial et indemodable !
Le texte de presentation presente bien.
toujours aussi genial et indemodable !
J'avais 4 ans quand j'ai découvert cette chanson, en écoutant un 33 tours que mes parents avaient… Et quand je la réécoute, ça vibre toujours aussi bien !
Un prise de vue du studio pendant l'enregistrement, un petit morceau d'histoire du rock and roll
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