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I remember Johnny - hey!
Johnny come lately
I remember her shoes like a ballerina
A girl called Johnny who
changed her name when she
discovered her choice was to
change or to be changed
I remember a girl called Johnny
black as hell and white as a ghost
"Don't talk about life or death"
she said "I've had enough of both"
A girl called Johnny who was not scared
they'd have torn her to pieces but
who would dare?
I remember a girl called Johnny
the train came to town, boy she got on it
with no looking back, with not a word
If she said goodbye, well I never heard
but the noise goes on
the noise, the jazz
and the truth is in somebody else's hands
and the house that a girl called johnny built
is now just so much ashes and sand
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La chanson est un hommage à Patti Smith, mais j'avoue ne pas avoir tout compris pourquoi elle est travestie dans la chanson, le seul lien étant que le disque fut produit par Lenny Kaye (lui même producteur et guitariste du PSG… Patti Smith Group !).
Le groupe de Mike Scott a par la suite évolué vers le folk (Fisherman's blues) puis vers la pop dans les années 1990 (The whole of the moon, Glastonberry song).
Heu, Morphée, "Whole of the moon" c'était en 1985.
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