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France Joli - Come to Me

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Titre : Come to Me

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : Tony Green

Durée : 4 m 16 s

Label : Ariola / Dreyfus

Référence : FDM 16 006

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Come to me when you're all alone and feeling down
Come to me when there's nobody else around
Come to me I'm still waiting, hoping I'm for you
Come to me 'cause I will confort you
When you've no one to turn to
I wanna be here just for you

Come to me when your world is empty and cold
Come to me when you need someone, you want to call
Come to me, in my arms I will keep you safe and warm
Come to me, I will shelter you from the storm
I'm no one to pretend, I'm working to understand

And I love you
And I love you
And I need you
And I want you

Come to me, oh baby

I'm a lonely man, living in a world of dreams
I've got everything but the only thing I really need
Come to me, I'll give you all the love you need
'Cause I have love just for you

Come to me when your world is empty and cold
Come to me when you need someone, you want to call
Come to me, in my arms I will keep you safe and warm
Come to me, I will shelter you from the storm
I'm no one to pretend, I'm working to understand

refrain ad lib

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
morphee Le 17/11/2007
Il n' y a pas eu que Donna Summer comme diva du disco. Il est temps d'en réhabiliter certaines !
vvfd Le 29/11/2020
Un passage télé

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