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Hot thing!
Hot thing, barely 21
Hot thing, looking 4 big fun
Hot thing, what's your fantasy?
Do U wanna play with me?
Hot thing, baby U dance so good
Hot thing, baby I knew U would
Hot thing, tell me what U see
Hot thing, When U smile, when U smile, when U smile
Are your smiles, are your smiles 4 me?
Hot thing, maybe U should give your folks a call
Hot thing, tell them you're going 2 the Crystal Ball
Hot thing, tell them you're coming home late,
if you're coming home at all
Hot thing, tell them U found a brand new baby doll
Hot thing, I can't wait 2 get U home
Hot thing, where we could be alone
Hot thing, I could read U poetry,
and then we could make a story of our own
Hot thing
Hot, hot, hot thing
Hot thing, hot thing
Hot thing, hot thing
Hot thing, barely 21
Hot thing, looking 4 big fun
Hot thing, what's your fantasy
Hot thing, don't U wanna play with me?
Hot thing, hot thing
Hot thing, I can't wait 2 get U home
Hot thing
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