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Well since my baby left me
Well I found a new place to dwell
Well it's down at the end of Lonely Street
That Heartbreak Hotel, where I'll be
I'll be just so lonely baby,
Well I'm so lonely,
I'll be so lonely I could die.
Although it's always crowded,
You still can find some room
For broken hearted lovers
To cry there in the gloom, and be so
They'll be just so lonely baby
They'll be just so lonely,
Well they're so lonely they could die.
Now, the bell hop's tears keep flowin',
And the desk clerk's dressed in black.
Well they've been so long on Lonely Street
They'll never, never look back, and they'll be
They'll be just so lonely, baby
Well they're so lonely
Well they're so lonely they could die.
Well now, if your baby leaves you,
You've got a tale to tell.
Well just take a walk down Lonely Street
To Heartbreak Hotel, where you will be
You'll be so lonely baby,
Well you'll be lonely,
You'll be so lonely you could die.
(Instrumental Break)
Although it's always crowded,
You still can find some room.
For broken hearted lovers
To cry there in the gloom, and be so
They'll be just so lonely baby
Well they're so lonely,
Well they're so lonely they could die
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