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It only seems like yesterday
when you came and took me over
Believing every word you say
You had me hypnotised
But now I realise
The dream we had is just a lie
And my heart is calling, calling
It's not me
No more lies, I won't cry for tomorrow
It's not me
Read my mind, are you blind to this sorrow
You need the perfect girl to fit inside your perfect world
It's something I'll never be
You know it's not me
These days it always seems so hard
When it started it came easy
I should have know you'd play my heart
The rule they twist and turn
Anyway you please
Just when I think I'm over you
I feel myself falling, falling
It's not me
No more lies, I won't cry for tomorrow
It's not me
Read my mind, are you blind to this sorrow
You need the perfect girl to fit inside your perfect world
It's something I'll never be
You know it's not me
You know it's not me
No more sorrow, no more pain
'Cos now I know I can breath again
Believe again
And I'm not gonna live a lie
It's not me
No more lies, I won't cry for tomorrow
It's not me
Read my mind, are you blind to this sorrow
You need the perfect girl to fit inside your perfect world
It's something I'll never be
You know it's not me
It's not me!
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