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String along, that's all I am is just your
String along, someone that you just seem to
Bring along, whenever you are all alone
And need some company
You always turn to me
String along, that's all I do is sorta
String along, you never seem to notice
I'm along, I just want you to want me too
Oh, how I hope and pray
That you'll need me some day
String along, that's all I am is just your
String along, someone that you just seem to
Bring along, whenever you are all alone
And need some company
You always turn to me
Treat me wrong, and maybe soon you'll lose
Your string along, someone may come and bring a
Love that's strong, and wanna string along with me
I'll find somebody who
Won't treat me like you do
String along, that's all I am is just your
String along, someone that you just seem to
Bring along
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