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Spike Jones and his City Slickers - Clink, clink, another drink

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Titre : Clink, clink, another drink

Année : 1945

Auteurs compositeurs : Carling, Ohman

Durée : 2 m 21 s

Label : His Master's Voice

Référence : BD 1099

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Clink, clink, another drink
Plenty in the cellar when it's gone
Drink, drink, the glasses clink
Making tinkly music till the dawn is breaking

Clang, clang, who cares a dang?
What's the difference when you're on a spree?
Over the teeth, behind the gums
Look out stomach here she comes
Hi, have another drink on me

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle
Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle, gurgle

Trinkle, trinkle, trinkle, trinkle
Slice of cheese and bite of pickle
Doesn't even cost a nickel
Now to wash it down

Clink, clink, no more to drink
I had a cellar full but now its gone
Drink, drink, the glasses clink
Like the anvil chorus and my head is splitting
Uh, brinking, uh, busting, oh brother

Oh, ow, what'll I do now
Pink elephants are running after me
Oh, that stuff is smooth as silk
From now on I'll stick to milk
Nothing else to drink for me
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Dam-Dam Le 12/11/2023
The TV-Show :

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