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Louis Jordan - If you're so smart, how come you ain't rich

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Titre : If you're so smart, how come you ain't rich

Année : 1951

Auteurs compositeurs : Fred Norman, Billy Friedman, Walter Bishop

Durée : 2 m 59 s

Label : Decca

Référence : 9-27648

Présentation : Adapté en français par Eddy Mitchell, "Comment t'es devenu riche".
Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photo est celle de l'album paru chez MCA Records (510 193).

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You' braggin all about the things you can do
Every time you make a pitch
If you're so smart
How come you ain't rich?
You claim to have picked every horse that won
'Cause you know just which is which
Yes, if you're so smart
Tell me, how come you ain't rich?

Henry built the Ford and made his pile
Woolworth used his five and ten
Rockerfeller's wealth came from Standard Oil
And Waterman's came from a pen
You claim it all came from consultin' you
Isn't that a brand new switch?
If you're so smart
How come you ain't rich?

Mention work and you go berserk
'Cause you hate to do a stitch
If you're so smart
How come you ain't rich?
You're out for a ride on the road to fame
Yet you wind up in a ditch
Mmm-hmm - if you're so smart
Tell me, how come you ain't rich?

Hershey started with a chocolate bar
Wrigley with a stick of gum
Planters took his peanuts and travelled far
Now tell me - what'you doin', chum?
I' been hearin' all about all your big ideas
Since you started. What's the hitch?
You never made ten dollars yet
You say you can balance the national debt
If you're so smart
How come you ain't rich?
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