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Bill Royal - Caffeine, nicotine and gasoline.

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Caffeine, nicotine and gasoline.

Année : 1968

Auteurs compositeurs : Frank Innocenti

Durée : 1 m 59 s

Label : Odessa

Référence : 504

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Phew.. I gotta get away from you

Caffeine, nicotine and gasoline
What's us humans gonna do
Ugly old savior popping up from the ground
He said: phew, I gotta get away from you

Early in the morning popping out of the sack
Reaching for a cigarette to find an empty pack
Coughing and a gagging and a yelling too
Hurry up baby, need to perk in that view
Tailpipes blowing exhaust in the street
Chasing those fumes clear down to my feet

Well, caffeine, nicotine and gasoline
What's us humans gonna do
Ugly old savior popping up from the ground
He said: phew, I gotta get away from you

Buying that caffeine by the pound
Puffing nicotine sticks like a clown
Filling up with gasoline to make more fumes
Birds flying high, because it ain't no good

Well, caffeine, nicotine and gasoline
What's us humans gonna do
Ugly old savior popping up from the ground
He said: phew, I gotta get away from you
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