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Julie Brown - 'cause I'm a blond

Voir du même artiste

Titre : 'cause I'm a blond

Année : 1995

Auteurs compositeurs : Coffey-Poore-Brown

Pochette : Robert Nease

Durée : 2 m 14 s

Label : Rhino Records

Référence : R2 72124

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de photographie individualisée, celle-ci est celle de l'album de compilation paru en 2007.

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Because I'm blonde I don't have to think
I talk like a baby and I never pay for drinks
Don't have to worry about getting a man
If I keep this blonde, and I keep these tan

Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I see people working
It just makes me giggle
Cause I don't have to work
I just have to jiggle

Cause I'm blonde
Cause I'm a blonde
Don't you wish you were me

I never learned to read, and I never learned to cook
Why should I bother when I look like I look
I know lots of people are smarter than me
But I have this philosophy
So what

Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I see girls without dates
And I feel so sorry for 'em
Cause whenever I'm around
All the men ignore 'em

Cause I'm blonde
Nyah, nyah, nyah
Cause I'm a blonde
Nyah, nyah, nyah

They say to make it you need talent and ambition
Well, I got a TV show, and this was my audition

Um, okay, what was it? Okay, um, don't tell me…Oh yeah, okay: "Duck, Magnum! Duck!"

Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I took an IQ test
And I flunked it, of course
I can't spell VW
But I got a Porsche

Cause I'm a blonde
Cause I'm a blonde
Don't you wish you were me

I just want to say that being chosen as this month's Miss August is, like, a compliment I'll remember for as long as I can! Right now I'm a freshman in my fourth year at UCLA, but my goal is to become a veterinarian, 'cause I love children!

Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause we're a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Girls think I'm snotty
And maybe it's true
With my hair and body
You would be too

Cause I'm a blonde
B-L…I don't know
I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yes, I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Cause I'm a blonde
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Voir tous les commentaires

3 commentaires
Trocol Harum Le 22/11/2020
Julie Brown, née le 31 août 1958, est une comédienne-scénariste-compositrice-interprète
californienne. Elle a commencé sa carrière en apparaissant dans le feuilleton Happy days (Saison 7 épisode 15).
Elle a également interprété des titres comme "'cause I'm a blonde", "I like 'em big and stupid", "Trapped in the body of a white girl", "Another drunk chick" (parodie de la chanson "Tik Tok" par Kesha) ou "Big clown pants" (parodie de "Bad romance" de Lady Gaga) ainsi que des sketchs comme "The Art of Being Fabulous".

Dam-Dam Le 22/11/2020
The lyrics :


The clip :

Claude Bukowski Le 22/11/2020
Sur la pochette on voit bien qu'elle est blonde.

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