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Whatever happened to
Leon Trotsky?
He got an ice pick
That made his ears burn
Whatever happened to
Dear old Lenin?
The great Elmyra
And Sancho Panza?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to
All of the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Whatever happened to
All of the heroes?
All the Shakespearoes?
They watched their Rome burn
Whatever happened to the heroes?
Whatever happened to the heroes?
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
No more heroes any more
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Je l'ai mis dans le "seventies" car sorti en 1977, mais musicalement ça annonce très clairement la new wave/synthpop des années 1980, ça doit même être l'un de ses titres précurseurs.
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