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LadBaby - I love sausage roll

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Titre : I love sausage roll

Année : 2019

Auteurs compositeurs : Mark Hoyle, Roxanne Hoyle – Alan Merrill - Jake Hooker

Durée : 3 m 23 s

Label : FrtyFve

Référence : FRTYCD289

Présentation : Parodie de "I love rock'n' roll" par Arrows.

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I saw him standing there in the bakery
Holding the biggest sausage roll I've ever seen
Didn't know it would turn me on
But I'd never seen one so long
And I knew it was gonna be wrong
But I want meat, yeah, meat
Baked in puff pastry
Yeah, I want meat, yeah, meat
Singing, I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
She smiled at me
As she took hold of my snack
She put it in her mouth
I nearly had a heart attack
I couldn't put up a fight
Knew it was love at first bite
And I could tell it was gonna be right
'Cause I want meat, yeah, meat
A beige and savory treat
Yeah, I want meat, yeah, meat
Singing, I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
We don't want to start a riot
We're not on a vegan diet
We know Quorn will never be a client
'Cause we want meat, yeah, meat
We eat it on every street
Yeah we want meat, yeah meat
Singing, I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
I love sausage rolls
So put another one in the oven, baby
I love sausage rolls
So eat it with ketchup or gravy
Hold on, who eats a sausage roll with gravy?
Are you joking?
Seriously? Gravy?
Yes, mate
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