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The roses in the window box
Have tilted to one side
Everything about this house
Was born to grow and die
Oh it doesn't seem a year ago
To this very day
You said I'm sorry honey
If I don't change the pace
I can't face another day
And love lies bleeding in my hand
Oh it kills me to think of you with another man
I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan
But my guitar couldn't hold you
So I split the band
Love lies bleeding in my hands
I wonder if those changes
Have left a scar on you
Like all the burning hoops of fire
That you and I passed through
You're a bluebird on a telegraph line
I hope you're happy now
Well if the wind of change comes down your way girl
You'll make it back somehow
And love lies bleeding in my hand
Oh it kills me to think of you with another man
I was playing rock and roll and you were just a fan
But my guitar couldn't hold you
So I split the band
Love lies bleeding in my hands
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Je n'ai pas trouvé de version single ou autres sans sa longue introduction très rock prog "Funeral for a friend". Pour équilibrer avec la version française de Richard Anthony, j'ai donc fait moi-même le charcutage, j'espère que ça ne choquera personne même si au final c'est un peu comme un peu comme écouter "Shine on you crazy diamond" des Floyd sans les parties introductives I-II-III et les solos de guitares et claviers…
Quelle merveille ! Je pense que c'est ce morceau qui a inspiré à Luc Plamondon et François Cousineau le tout aussi magnifique "En écoutant Elton John" chanté par Diane Dufresne.
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