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Mass hysteria, this is techno
House is not my home but it rocks though
I checked up on the late great J.B.
His death is said on national TV
How when, and why this are the main
Things that I heard when I stroll down the lake
Now memory, man are you with that
James Brown is dead.
Total chaos, man it's resurrected
I'm confused that things are gettin' hectic
In my brain, what is happenin'
Could this be a big misunderstanding
It is
The hardest working man in show biz
Is alive so you bust this
Don't be mislead 'cause the newman said
James Brown is dead.
Nightmare is over
Now I'm alone
Grab the mike, rip shit and go for broke
Music masterpiece release that these
Now I will get much respect from MCs
Along the way, cause I heard him say
This is fly, this cool type of guy
He's dope and I'm so bad.
James Brown is dead.
Ce hit est produit par les Néerlandais Michiel van der Kuy (alias Denzil Slemming), auteur de la chanson, et Wessel van Diepen, dont on entend la voix.
Il fut samplé,en 99, par le groupe allemand Scooter sur leur single "Call Me Mañana".
Les paroles : [Ben non, désolé, le morceau que nous diffusons ne contient que la première ligne de ces paroles ! (LSS)]
James Brown is dead.
Mass hysteria, this is techno
House is not my home but it rocks though
I checked up on the late great J.B.
His death is said on national TV
How when, and why this are the main
Things that I heard when I stroll down the lake
Now memory, man are you with that
James Brown is dead.
Total chaos, man it's resurrected
I'm confused that things are gettin' hectic
In my brain, what is happenin'
Could this be a big misunderstanding
It is
The hardest working man in show biz
Is alive so you bust this
Don't be mislead 'cause the newman said
James Brown is dead.
Nightmare is over
Now I'm alone
Grab the mike, rip shit and go for broke
Music masterpiece release that these
Now I will get much respect from MCs
Along the way, cause I heard him say
This is fly, this cool type of guy
He's dope and I'm so bad.
James Brown is dead.
Visionnaire va !
Cela me fait toujours penser au bruit que ma machine à laver fait en mode essorage : c'est pour cela que je me surprends à me trémousser et sauter dans tous les sens quand je fais une grande lessive . Et à la fin c'est moi qui suis lessivé.
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