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Underworld - Born slippy

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Titre : Born slippy

Année : 1996

Auteurs compositeurs : Smith / Hyde / Emerson

Durée : 3 m 45 s

Label : Logic Records / BMG

Référence : 74321416062

Présentation : A servi pour la bande originale du film "Trainspotting".

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Drive boy dog boy dirty numb angel boy
In the doorway boy she was a lipstick boy
She was a beautiful boy and tears boy
And all in your innerspace boy you had
Hands girl boy and steel boy you had
Chemicals boy Ive grown so close to you
Boy and you just groan boy she said
Comeover comeover she smiled at you boy.

Let your feelings slip boy but never your mask boy
Random blonde bio high density rhythm blonde boy
Blonde country blonde high density
You are my drug boy youre real boy speak to me
And boy dog dirty numb cracking boy
You get wet boy big big time boy
Acid bear boy babes and babes and babes and
Babes and babes and remembering nothing boy.
You like my tin horn boy and get wet like an angel.

You got a velvet mouth youre so succulent and beautiful
Shimmering and dirty wonderful and hot times
On your telephone line and God and everything
On your telephone and in walk an angel.
And look at me your mom squatting pissed in
A tube hole at tottenham court
Road I just come out of the ship
Talking to the most blonde I ever met.
Lager lager lager lager shouting
Lager lager lager lager shouting
Lager lager lager shouting
Mega mega white thing mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing mega mega shouting
Lager lager lager lager mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing
So many things to see and do in the tube hole
True blonde going back to romford
Mega mega mega going back to romford
Hi mom are you having fun and now are you on
Your way to a new tension headache
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


Voir tous les commentaires

4 commentaires
teddy33 Le 10/07/2010
Une chanson que j'ai écoutée en boucle pendant plusieurs mois avoir vu le film "Trainspotting" au cinéma. Mais là, il semblerait que ce soit une version plus courte que celle du CD de la BO du film…
Brett Le 10/07/2010
C'est pas mal du tout! Joy Division n'est pas loin…
GustaveBoffy Le 05/03/2019
J'avoue, un petit style JD ^^
vvfd Le 31/03/2023
Il y a un clip

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