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It's my life take it or leave it
Set me free what's that crap papa-knew-it-all
I got my own life you got your own life
Live your life and set me free
Mind your business and leave my business
You know everything papa-knew-it-all
Very little knowledge is dangerous
Stop bugging me stop bothering me
Stop bugging me stop forcing me
Stop fighting me stop yelling me
It's my life
It's my life it's my life my worries
It's my life it's my life my problems
It's my life it's my life my worries
It's my life it's my life my problems
It's my life do you understand
I live the way I want to live
I make decisions day and night
Show me signs and good examples
Stop telling me how to run your business
Take a trip to east and west
You find that you don't know anything
Every's getting tired of you
Sometimes you have to look and listen
You can even learn from me
Little knowledge is dangerous
It's my life
(Repeat Chorus)
It's my life set me free
So you bed so you lie
What you see is what you get
Listen to people and sort things out
Things I do I do them no more
Things I say I say them no more
Changes come once in life
Stop bugging me stop bothering me
Stop bugging me stop forcing me
Stop fighting me stop yelling me
Stop telling me stop seeing me
It's my life.
(Repeat Chorus)
It's my life(x4)
Ohhhhhhhh yeah
It's my life…Stop bugging me stop bothering me
It's my life…Stop forcing me stop yelling me
It's my life…it's my life(x2)
It's my life…Stop bugging me stop bothering me
It's my life…Stop forcing me stop yelling me
It's my life…it's my lifeeeeee
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Une pochette qui sent bon le dessous de bras !
Encore heureux que la pochette n'était pas en Odorama :D
Il parait que Dr Alban était médecin à l'origine. Quand on lui a dit qu'il ferait mieux de se cantonner à son boulot, il a répliqué par ce titre: "C'est ma vie!"
Ne pas oublier non plus que ce titre du Docteur a été utilisé par Tampax pour ses campagnes pub dans les années 90 !
Petit souvenir dispo ici : http://www.ina.fr/pub/hygiene-beaute-sante/video/P…
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