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When Ithink of all the troubles taking peoples' time
How they're in a hurry with complicated minds
Chasing after money, dreams that can't come true
Your life could be so different there's better things to do
Don't ever plan your future, just one way to get through
One two three four
Let's live for today let's live for today
And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey - hey hey
We were never meant to worry like other people do
No one needs the problems they always bring to you
Just take it nice and easy, don't follow others' plans
Take the most from living and pleasure while you can
Let nothing come between us, you gotta take a stand
One two three four
Let's live for today let's live for today
And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey - hey hey
When I think of all the worries taking peoples' time
How they're in a hurry to complicate their minds
Take it nice and easy, dreaming can come true
Your life could be so different, find the pleasure things to do
They always plan their future, just one way to get through
Let's live for today let's live for today
And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey - hey hey
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2 commentaires
SirApeLe 28/08/2009
Eh ! Pas mal du tout en fait !!
Eh ! Pas mal du tout en fait !!
Reprise de la chanson des Grass Roots
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