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You can look, but you can't touch
I don't think I like you much
Heaven knows what a girl can do
Heaven knows what you've got to prove
I think I'm paranoid
And complicated
I think I'm paranoid
Manipulate it
Bend me, break me
Anyway you need me
All I want is you
Bend me, break me
Breaking down is easy
All I want is you
I fall down just to give you a thrill
Prop me up with another pill
If I should fail, if I should fold
I nailed my faith to the sticking pole
I think I'm paranoid
Manipulate it
I think I'm paranoid
And complicated
I think I'm paranoid
Steal me, deal me, anyway you heal me
Maim me, tame me, you can never change me
Love me, like me, come ahead and fight me
Please me, tease me, go ahead and leave me
Bend me
Break me
Anyway you need me
As long as I want you baby it's all right
Bend me
Break me
Any way you need me
As long as I want you baby it's all right.
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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1 commentaire
vvfdLe 05/03/2023
Il y a une video de ce titre. Très beau noir et blanc assez oppressant.
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Il y a une video de ce titre. Très beau noir et blanc assez oppressant.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !