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I wanna tell you a story of a man who never died.
He was just a denied oh for such a long long time, yeah
He was a kind of hero that would never stop to fight
Just standing like an eagle, to make this feel alright
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
And there's no the need of secret fights
You can reach me with a pretty side
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
And when he lost the power, he'd never stopped to try
And must have keep on moving for such a long long ride yeah
He was a kind of hero that would never stop to fight
Just standing like an eagle, to make this feel alright
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
And there's no the need of secret fights
You can reach me with a pretty side
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, ooooooh ooooh
I wanna tell you a story of a man who never died.
He was just a denied oh for such a long long time, yeah
He was a kind of hero that would never stop to fight
Just standing like an eagle, to make this feel alright
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
And there's no the need of secret fights
You can reach me with a pretty side
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon, Napoleon
Ooooooh ooooh
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
Ooooooh ooooh
It's another time tomorrow night
Did he stay alive another night?
Ooooooh ooooh
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
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2 commentaires
DjManoloLe 31/12/2005
Ca ressemble beaucoup à du Alphaville, sympa.
1nonos1Le 03/02/2016
Je suis d'accord on dirait Alphaville !
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !
Ca ressemble beaucoup à du Alphaville, sympa.
Je suis d'accord on dirait Alphaville !
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !