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K. Barre - Right by the moon

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Titre : Right by the moon

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : Giorgio Dolce - G. Toti

Durée : 6 m 39 s

Label : Many records

Référence : 134.652

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Whenever I want to leave my room
And go cruising by a silver moon
I sit alone in my velvet dark
And then go flying from a Luna park

No woman, good-looking
No smashing in my mind
No woman, show woman
No one can travel time

I see the merry-go-round and round
The big wheel and you're up and down
An awful sound soaring in your head
A ghost train ride into a grateful death

No woman, good-looking
Can make me warm or cry
No woman, show woman
I know I must be right

Fly me on velvet ships of sounds
A fantasy, a fun to share around
I rule the heavens on the way
There is a special place I like to play

Right by the moon, right by the moon
In my velvet dark, it's dark
Right by the moon, right by the moon
In my velvet dark, it's right by

Whenever I want to leave my room
And go cruising by a silver moon
I sit alone in my velvet dark
And then go flying round a Luna park

No woman, good-looking
No smashing in my mind
No woman, show woman
No one can travel time

Fly me on velvet ships of sounds
A fantasy, a fun to share around
I rule the heavens on the way
There is a special place I like to play

Right by the moon, Right by the moon
Right by the moon, Right by the moon
Right by the moon, Right by the moon
In my velvet dark, it's dark, quiet
Right by the moon, Right by the moon
In my velvet dark, it's dark, quiet

Right by the moon, Right by the moon
Right by the moon, Right by the moon
Right by the moon, Right by the moon
(Ad lib.)

[Garanti pur yaourt…]

Transcripteur : mds75
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5 commentaires (dont 3 archivés)
morphee Le 29/10/2005
L'une des références de l'italo-dance… Pour la pochette, bein, le 45 tours coûte plus de 40 euros…
fabouze Le 22/01/2011
les premières notes chantées rappellent un peu "Clocks" de Coldplay.

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