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I am just a simple man
I have to do the simple things that a simple man… can
You are holding out your hand
You want to know the simple things in my simple plan… and…
I know there's so much to share, but what else can I do
Yes, I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now and forever never to be lonely
Yes, I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now and together just remember only
That I'm a simple man
Love is just a simple thought
A little bit the worse for wear like a thief who got… caught
Hope is just a thing you bought
It's just another safe white lie that everybody got… taught
I can see you look to me so what else can I do
Yes, I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now and forever never to be lonely
Yes, I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now and together just remember only
That I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
I got a simple, simple plan
I hope you understand
I'm just a simple man
I'm holding out my hand
It's such a simple, simple plan
I hope you understand
Yes, I'm a simple man
Come now and take my hand
Now and forever never to be lonely
Yes, I'm a simple man
I do the best I can
Now and together just remember only
It's so simple…
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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J'adore Total Eclipse de Klaus Nomi… et son super costard en plastique brillant aussi ^^
Je ne connaissais pas celui-là , très euh… Nomiesque :p
A noter qu'un film s'appelant "The Nomi Song" est sorti pour mieux connaître le personnage (qui était un vrai extra terrestre).
J'adore ce truc. A noter, une compositrice (Olga Neuwirth) a réarrangé cette chanson pour voix & petit orchestre, en forme d'hommage à Klaus Nomi.
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