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The Blow Monkeys - I doesn't have to be this way

Voir du même artiste

Titre : I doesn't have to be this way

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : Dr. Robert (Bruce Robert Howard)

Durée : 3 m 59 s

Label : RCA

Référence : PB 41103

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it doesn't have to be this way
just counting the hours
'cos when your bed it's made
then baby it's too late

there's no hope for a hungry child
whose joker is wild
they take all hope away
by the end of the day

well i just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You gonna ask for more

It doesn't have to hurt that way
Just counting the pain
You've only got yourself to blame
For playing the game

There's no hope for a hungry child (no wonder!)
Whose joker is wild
And they take all hope
And I just can't see the sense
And my mind's a haze

well i just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You gonna ask for more

do you want it?
do you want it?
don't you know that i got it baby?
don't you know i got it baby?

And I just about have enough of the sunshine
hey! what did I hear you say?
You know, it doesn't have to be that way!
You! When you walk out the door
You better ask for more
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3 commentaires
Claude Bukowski Le 18/08/2010
La grosse faute dans le titre ("I" au lieu de "It") est-elle d'origine, ou est-elle apparue par inattention lors de l'entrée de ce titre dans la base ?
Fillmorejive Le 14/11/2016
Un petit côté "stock aitken & waterman" dans ce titre, non ?
vvfd Le 04/09/2021
La typo vient de Bide et Musique, c'est bien 'It doesn't have to be this way" sur le 45 tours.
une petite video …

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