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Maxine Nightingale - Right back where we started from

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Titre : Right back where we started from

Année : 1975

Auteurs compositeurs : Pierre Tubbs - Vince Edwards

Durée : 3 m 14 s

Label : United Artists Records

Référence : UP 36015

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Ooh, and it's alright an it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from

Do you remember the day (that sunny day)
When you first came my way
I said, no one could take your place
And if you get hurt (if you get hurt)
By the little things I say
I can put that smile back on your face

Ooh, and it's alright and it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from

A love like ours (a love like ours)
Can never fade away
You know it's only just begun
You give me your love (give me your love)
I just can't stay away, no, no
I know you are the only one

Ooh, and it's alright and it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from

You give me your love (give me your love)
I just can't stay away, no
I know you are the only one

Ooh, you know it's alright and it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from

It's alright and it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from

It's alright and it's coming on
We gotta get right back to where we started from
Love is good, love can be strong
We gotta get right back to where we started from
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Voir tous les commentaires

6 commentaires
Rudolph Le 19/02/2005
Cette fille est d'une beauté foudroyante, j'en suis tombé amoureux au premier coup d'œuil !
kijkeens Le 20/02/2005
Excellente reprise de ce titre par la sulfureuse Sinitta fin des années 80
a200tq Le 21/05/2006
Elle avait aussi sortie en 1977 un excellent morceau dont j'ai le 45 tours qui s'appelait "Night Life". Po ur voir sa bio et discographie http://www.maxinenightingale.biz/
Astorpiazzola Le 24/09/2006
J'ai vu la mère Maxine sur son site officiel. Eh bien elle est drôlement bien conservée, la madame !
Robin Fusée Le 31/05/2011
Les bidonautes québecois se souviendront de cette chanson dans le film Slap Shot.
michacal Le 03/06/2018
Superbe titre et beau succès à l'époque

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