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Lime - Take it up

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Take it up

Année : 1984

Auteurs compositeurs : Denis Le Page

Durée : 4 m 1 s

Label : Polydor - Matra

Référence : 881 203-7

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Hey, baby, I like your style
'Cause I dig the way you move
When you're dancing up the aisle
I'm looking at you and nobody else
'Cause I dig the way you move
And I like the way you dress

'Cause it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game
I said it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game

Hey, baby, you make me wild
'Cause I dig the way you move
When you're dancing up the aisle
I'm mysticized by the power you possess
'Cause I dig the way you move
And I love the way you dress

'Cause it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game
I said it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game

Take it up
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna take it up? Aah
Take it down
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna take it down?

Don't stop, baby, make it last for a while
'Cause I dig the way you move
When you're dancing up the aisle
I need you, baby, and your sweetfulness
'Cause I dig the way you move
And I love the way you dress

'Cause it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game
I said it's alright every night
You called my name 'cause it's part of the game

Take it up
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna take it up? Aah
Take it down
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna take it down?

Heat it up
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna heat it up?
Bring it down
Ha, ha, baby
Don't you wanna bring it down?
(Ad lib.)

Transcripteur : mds75
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3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Petitcurieux Le 14/02/2005
Merci à lezardpion :o)
belgobelge Le 14/03/2008
Encore une pochette qui fait référence à celle de Lips inc (funky town).

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