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Shady lady - you been hangin' round a week or more
Shady lady - don't you know that it's a gangster lore
Shady lady - I can see you hiding round those corners
Shady lady - and I think I'm gonna have to warn ya
Shady lady - I can't take it
Shady lady - you won't make it
Wicked woman - you're the meanest woman that I've seen
Wicked woman - did you really think that I was green
Wicked woman - do you really think that you're so smart
Wicked woman - tryin' to rob me of my only heart
Wicked woman - I can't take it
Wicked woman - you won't make it
I'm gonna call up the CID and the FBI and the KGB - listen
I'm gonna call up those influential faces
By influential friends in influential places
Shady lady - you had better get off on the double
Shady lady - 'cause you might find yourself in trouble
Shady lady - I'm the only human right protector
Shady lady - I can see you're just a love collector
Shady lady - I can't take it
Shady lady - you won't make it
Lucky mistress - you must think that I'm an easy target
Lucky mistress - just another for your lovely market
Lucky mistress - don't you know that you're kind of mean
Lucky mistress - I'm not gonna be your love machine
Lucky mistress - I can't take it
Lucky mistress - you won't make it
I'm gonna call up the CID and the FBI and the KGB - listen
I'm gonna call up those influential faces
By influential friends in influential places
Shady lady - you had better get out on the double
Shady lady - 'cause you might find yourself in trouble
Shady lady - I'm the only human right protector
Shady lady - I can see you're just a love collector
Shady lady - I can't take it
Shady lady - you won't make it
Shady lady - I can't take it
Shady lady - you won't make it
Shady lady - shady lady - shady lady ….
Here I come
I think I'm gonna get on out of here
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Intéressant tous ces titres anglophones qui sont totalement inconnus a l'Angleterre ou, si je ne m’abuse, a l'Amerique. Probablement des productions français faits avec l’intention de tromper. Ce n'est pas dire que c'est mal, c'est juste que je le trouve intéressant.
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