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You might think I'm crazy
To hang around with you
Maybe you think I'm lucky
To have something to do
But I think that you're wild
Inside me is some child
You might think I'm foolish
Or maybe it's untrue
(You might think) you might think I'm crazy
(All I want) but all I want is you
You might think it's hysterical
But I know when you're weak
You think you're in the movies
And everything's so deep
But I think that you're wild
When you flash that fragile smile
You might think it's foolish
What you put me through
(You might think) you might think I'm crazy
(All I want) but all I want is you
And it was hard, so hard to take
There's no escape without a scrape
You kept it going 'till the sun fell down
You kept it going
Well you might think I'm delirious
The way I run you down
But somewhere sometimes, when you're curious
I'll be back around
Oh I think that you're wild
And so uniquely styled
You might think it's foolish
This chancy rendezvous
(You might think) you might think I'm crazy
(All I want) but all I want is you
All I want is you
All I want is you
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