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Lady we've just kidnapped your husband
have $800,000 ready by tomorrow night
and lady no police
or you'll never see your husband alive again
Lady: Hallo
I remember standing there so petrified
my hand frozen to the phone
as a stranger's words that caught in my ears
and chilled me to the bone
some dark tragedy had come right home to me
they'd kidnapped my man and his life was in their hands
He was a hostage, a hostage
his life was at the mercy of their hands
he was a hostage, a hostage
his life depending on their gold demands
Lady: Hallo
Lady, here's your husband through
to warn not to play any games
Hi Honey listen I'm okay
just make sure you do whatever they tell you
and whatever you do don't go to the police!
Well I couldn't raise that kinda money fast
so I was left no other choice
so I called the police and they came in fast
saying ";leave it up to us
just do as they told
the ransom's in this bag
we'll watch over you
and we'll have your husband back too";
He was a hostage, a hostage
his life was at the mercy of their hands
he was a hostage, a hostage
his life depending on their gold demands
Lady: Hallo
Listen very carefully lady
drive out to the abandoned shack on Highway 16
throw the package of money out the window and keep driving
and remember lady no police!
Well my heart was heavy as I made that drive
I was sure something was wrong
I soon found the shack
I threw out the bag and I just kept driving on
then the shots rang out and turned my car about
on the ground one lay but the other had gotten away
He was a hostage, a hostage
his life was at the mercy of their hands
he was a hostage, a hostage
his life depending on their gold demands
Well they found my husband a few days later
Yes, the funeral's tomorrow
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Repris en français par Marie avec des paroles de Serge KOOLEN d'"Il était une fois".
Ça finit beaucoup plus mal que dans la version française… (et ce sont des husbandnappers et non pas des kidnappers…
On dira encore que les américains préfèrent les happy ends… Ici c'est plus réaliste. Fallait faire comme Mel Gibson, offrir le prix de la rançon a ceux qui permettent d'arrêter les coupables. ;o)
La voix du mari ressemble à celle de Robert De Niro !
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