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I tell ya
It's hell yeah
When love says goodbye it's a four letter word
Because your heart knows
When love goes
The feeling is bad - it's the pits of the world
It's sad but true
When nothing you can do, can bring it back
Standing in the rain
She starts to cry
Is it all a game
She wonders why
Why it had to start
Why should it end, and take her apart
Because she shows it
She knows it
But what can she do, it's a four letter word
Because it shakes you
It breaks you
And when it's the end, it's the worst thing you heard
It's over now
And nothing you can do can bring it back
Calling out his name
She starts to cry
Guys are all the same
She wants to die
Hide away the tears
No-one will see, and no-one must hear
But oh
How can the love that she has be profain
And how can something that's so beautiful
Just Jeckyl and Hyde around
It's so sad…
I tell ya
It's hell yeah
When love says goodbye
It's a four letter word
Because your heart knows
When love goes
The feeling is bad
it's the worst in the world
It's sad but true
When nothing you can do, can get it back
Standing in the rain
She starts to cry
Shouting out is name
Four letter words
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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Généralement c'est traduisible en français par la périphrase "mot de Cambronne". Ce qui n'empêche pas la chanson, dont le tempo est assez originale dans le répertoire de Kim Wilde, d'être aussi belle qu'elle.
Lorsque j'ai entendu l'intro, j'ai cru pendant une fraction de seconde que ce serait une nouvelle version de "De retour de vacances".
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