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Garland Jeffreys - Matador

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Titre : Matador

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : Garland Jeffreys

Pochette : Carole Langer

Durée : 4 m 39 s

Label : A&M Records

Référence : AMS 7628

Présentation : Extraot de son album "American Boy & Girl".

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Take me to the Matador
He will know just what it's for
He will help me with my life
He will open ev'ry door

When the bull is in the ring
I need all the help you can
And the Mariachis sing
With the lonely mandolin
See those people shout out loud
Give me more and give me more
And I'm thinkin' to myself
Take me to the Matador

Take me to the Matador
He will fill and ease my soul
He will give me confidence
When I think I've lost control

He will help me with my Muse
In the age of win and lose
With the ancient cup and swords
And a hundred Spanish lords
See one thousands violins
Golden trumpets soar on high
Waves and waves of joyful hymns
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Silver sonnets reach the sky
Fight the battles and the blues
Wars of love and wars of art
Tonight the cape is what I choose
Goya's in my Spanish heart

He will help me with my love
Dance the dance that lovers do
Rhumba with the velvet glove
'Neath the Barcelona moon
See one thousands violins
Golden trumpets soar on high
Waves and waves of joyful hymns
Silver sonnets rech the sky

Take me to the Matador
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