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Marianne Faithfull - Broken English

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Broken English

Année : 1979

Auteurs compositeurs : Marianne Faithfull - Steve York - Terry Stannard - Barry Reynolds - Joe Mavety

Pochette : Dennis Morris

Durée : 4 m 37 s

Label : Island Records

Référence : 9123 052

Présentation : Extrait de l'album du même nom.

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Could have come through anytime
Cold, lonely puritan
What are you fighting for?
It's not my security

It's just an old war
Not even a cold war
Don't say it in Russian
Don't say it in German
Say it in broken English
Say it in broken English

Lose your father, your husband
Your mother, your children
What are you dying for?
It's not my reality

It's just an old war
Not even a cold war
Don't say it in Russian
Don't say it in German
Say it in broken English
Say it in broken English

What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?

Could have come through anytime
Cold, lonely puritan
What are you fighting for?
It's not my security

It's just an old war
Not even a cold war
Don't say it in Russian
Don't say it in German
Say it in broken English
Say it in broken English
Say it in broken English
Say it in broken English

What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
What are you fighting for?
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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