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David Bowie and Pat Metheny Group - This is not America
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Titre : This is not America
Interprète : David Bowie
Année : 1985
Auteurs compositeurs : David Bowie / Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays
Pochette : Oskar Petr
Durée : 3 m 43 s
Label : EMI Pathé Marconi
Référence : 2004827
Présentation : Extrait de la bande originale du film Le jeu du Faucon ("The Falcon and The Snowman") de John Schlesinger avec Timothy Hutton et Sean Penn.
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(This is not America, sha-la-la-la-la)
A little piece of you
A little peace in me will die
(This is not a miracle)
For this is not America
Blossom fails to bloom this season
Promise not to stare too long
(This is not America)
For this is not a miracle
There was a time
A storm that blew so pure
For this could be the biggest sky
And I could have the faintest idea
(For this is not America)
(This is not America)
(This is not, sha-la-la-la-la)
Snowman melting from the inside
Falcon spirals to the ground
(This could be the biggest sky)
So bloody red, tomorrow's clouds
A little piece of you
A little piece in me will die
(This could be a miracle)
For this is not America
There was a time
A wind that blew so young
For this could be the biggest sky
And I could have the faintest idea
(For this is not America)
(This is not America)
(This is not, sha-la-la-la)
(This is not America)
(This is not)
(This is not America)
(This is not, sha-la-la-la)
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