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Jimmy Isle - Patches

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Patches

Année : 1960

Auteurs compositeurs : Mann, Kolber

Durée : 3 m 11 s

Label : Everest

Référence : 19383

Présentation : Le titre a été repris par Dickey Lee et adapté en français par Burt Blanca, "L'âge de l'amour".

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Down by the river that flows by the coal yards
Stand wooden houses with shutters torn down
There lives a girl everybody calls Patches
Patches, my darling, of Old Shanty town

We planned to marry when June brought the summer
I couldn't wait to make Patches my bride
Now I don't see how that ever can happen
My folks say "No" and my heart breaks inside

Patches, oh what can I do
I swear I'll always love you
But a girl from that place
Would just bring me disgrace
So my folks won't let me love you

Each night I cry as I think of that shanty
And pretty Patches there watching the door
She dosn't know that I can't come to see her
Patches must think that I love her no more

I hear a neighbour telling my father
He says a girl name of Patches was found
Floating face down in that dirty old river
That flows by the coal yards in Old Shanty Town

Patches, oh what can I do
I swear I'll always love you
It may not be right
But I'll join you tonight
Patches I'm coming to you
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