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Arabesque - Midnight Dancer

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Titre : Midnight Dancer

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Jean Frankfurter / John Moering

Durée : 3 m 39 s

Label : Victor

Référence : VIP-28012

Présentation : Extrait d'Arabesque IV

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Hey, midnight dancer, oho-oho
Hey, big romancer, oho-oho
You are a sailor, a taylor, a jailer
You are from Ghana, Gagnana, Montana
Hey, midnight dancer, oho-oho
Hey, big romancer, oho-oho
So lady killing
So thrilling
I'm willing
Come on, let's do
The midnight dance

The band is playing
And you are saying:
("We should be thinking)
(About some drinking")
Well, mister Handsome
Why don't you get one
("I'm sorry, honey)
(I'm short off money")

We dance the night away
We have no time to play

The band goes Latin
His eyes grow satin:
("Let's do the tango)
(And the fandango")
Oh, Yotegiero
My caballero
("Bring me tequila)
(From Venezuela")

We dance the night away
We have no time to play

Hey, midnight dancer, oho-oho
Hey, big romancer, oho-oho
You are a sailor, a taylor, a jailer
You are from Ghana, Gagnana, Montana
Hey, midnight dancer, oho-oho
Hey, big romancer, oho-oho
So lady killing
So thrilling
I'm willing
Come on, lets do
The midnight dance
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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