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An unforeseen future nestled somewhere in time
Unsuspecting victims no warnings no sign
Judgement day the second coming arrives
Before you see the light you must die
Forgotten children conform a new faith
Avidity and lust controlled by hate
The never ending search for your shattered sanity
Souls of damnation in their own reality
Chaos rampant in an age of distrust
Confrontations impulsive habitat
Bastard sons begat your cunting daughters
Promiscuous mothers with your incestuous fathers
Ingrate souls condemned for all eternity
Observe by moral judgement in dominary deity
Chaos rampant in an age of distrust
Confrontations impulsive sabbath
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
The root of all evil is the heart of a black-soul
A force that has lived all eternity
The never ending search for a truth never told
The loss of all hope and your dignity
Chaos rampant in an age of distrust
Confrontations impulsive habitat
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
On and on south of heaven
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Merci morphee !
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