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Prince La La - She put the hurt on me
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Titre : She put the hurt on me
Année : 1961
Auteurs compositeurs : Lawrence Nelson
Durée : 2 m 23 s
Label : A.F.O.
Référence : 45.301
Présentation : Le titre a été repris par le Spencer Davis Group
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I met a girl a year ago
she understood that I loved her so
She took my heart and she let me be
I swear she put the hurt on me
She put the hurt on me (hurt on me)
I said the hurt on me child (hurt on me)
Hurt on me (hurt on me)
and if that ain't hurt, tell me what can it be
I looked for her all about
no one knows where she's hanging out
I asked her friends and the family
they said she put the hurt on me…
She put the hurt on me (hurt on me)
I said the hurt on me child (hurt on me)
Hurt on me (hurt on me)
and if that ain't hurt, tell me what can it be
I didn't know what I was getting into
I found out just by loving you
I pray one day she will return
I pray for my little old reign
She put the hurt on me (hurt on me)
I said the hurt on me child (hurt on me)
Hurt on me (hurt on me)
and if that ain't hurt, tell me what can it be
She put the hurt on me (hurt on me)
I said the hurt on me child (hurt on me)
Hurt on me (hurt on me)
and if that ain't hurt, tell me what can it be
She put the hurt on me (hurt on me)
I said the hurt on me child (hurt on me)
Hurt on me (hurt on me)
and if that ain't hurt, tell me what can it be
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L'auteur-compositeur-interprète américain Prince La La, de son vrai nom Lawrence Nelson est décédé le 27 octobre 1963 à 27 ans et fait donc partie comme Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Kurt Cobain et Amy Winehouse du Club des 27.
Après son décès, Oliver Morgan a interprété la chanson "Who shoot the La La".
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