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Britney Spears - State of Grace

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Titre : State of Grace

Année : 2007

Auteurs compositeurs : Lisa Greene - Steve Lee - Stephen John AndersonON

Durée : 3 m 56 s

Label : RCA / Legacy (2017)

Référence : The Undiscovered Britney (B-Sides, Demos, Rarities

Présentation : Chanson issue des sessions de son album "Blackout", mais non publiée sur cet album.
Adaptée en français par Christophe Willem "Entre nous et le sol"

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Love is a state of grace
Transcending time and space
No other way I can describe
Instantly beautiful
Its almost mystical
Cause your mine
And I can't believe that I feel what I feel
Such a strange kind of real
Love is a state of grace
Between you and I

Golden broken
I didn't know
One touch could open
My body and soul
And you've just begun
Like the Moon and Sun
We fade to one

Love is a state of grace
Transcending time and space
No other way I can describe
Instantly beautiful
Its almost mystical
Cause you're mine
And I can't believe that I feel what I feel
Such a strange kind of reall
Love is a state of grace
Between you and I

And the way that we feel
Is a dream that we know is real
Love is a state of grace
Love is a state of grace

Love is a state of grace
Transcending time and space
No other way I can describe
Instantly beautiful
Its almost mystical
Cause your mine
Cause your mine

Oh, love is a state of grace
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