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When my mother-in-law begins to yell and shout
Through the window I would like to throw her out
But I resolve not to do it, here is why:
I'm afraid of hitting someone passing by
This is my New Year's resolution
When I'm at the movies watching a love scene
And a lady's hat is blocking half the screen
I resolve not to shout, "Take off that hat!"
I'll remove it gently with a baseball bat
This is my New Year's Resolution
When I take a lovely lady out to eat
And she orders caviar instead of meat
I resolve to let the lady have her fill (belch)
And of course I'll also let her pay the bill
This is my New Year's Resolution
When I'm sitting with my wifey on a bus
And a dear old lady stands in front of us
I resolve to be a gentleman discreet
I'll politely offer her my wifey's seat
This is my New Year's Resolution
When my mother says, "Come in, it's time to eat."
And I keep on playing games out in the street
I resolve to rush right home now when I'm called
'Cause my pop just got a hairbrush and he's bald
This is my New Year's Resolution
On the radio this year I hope to score
With some funny jokes you've never heard before
I resolve not to tell a corny joke (phone rings)
Hello, what's that? The church burned down? Holy smoke!
This is my year news revelation (coughs)
In this coming year I'm gonna to be discreet
Have the Slickers playing music soft and sweet
I resolve to treat Tchaikovsky tenderly
And set his second movement off with TNT
Happy New Year! (cheering)
Here's the resolution of all the City Slickers
We hope this coming year to bring you lots more laughs and snickers (laughter)
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