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I got a Eldorado Cadillac
Wit's a spare tire on the back
I got the charge account at Goldblatt
But I ain't got you
I got a tavern and a package store
Don't matter where I go
You keep the ring in my nose
But I ain't got you
I got a tavern an'a package store
I hit the numbers, four-forty four
I got a mojo and don't you know?
I'm all dressed up, no place to go
I got a-women to the right of me
I got a-women to the left of me
I got a-womens all around me
But I ain't got you
I got a-women on the right of me
I got a-women to the left of me
I got a-women all around me
But I ain't got you
But I ain't got you
But I ain't got you
But I ain't got you
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