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Radio Free Vestibule - Christmas on acid

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Titre : Christmas on acid

Année : 1993

Auteurs compositeurs : Dan Boulerice, Bernard Deniger

Pochette : Jonathan Wenk

Durée : 1 m 42 s

Label : Borpo Records

Référence : RFVCD01

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A family gathering with presents and fun
Another Christmas and this one's wonderful
Presents and cheer; candy canes and gingerbread men

But wait- the gingerbread men have come alive
They're moving round the room and now they're on fire
They're moving round the room and now they're on fire

Why do I see these things?
It's not the rum and eggnog
It's not the holiday fun
It's Christmas on acid
Christmas on acid

My stocking's full of spiders and snakes
My little cousins have become walking, talking fruitcakes
My whole family's looking at me, 'cause I've got the shakes

Why do I see these things?
It's not the rum and eggnog
It's not the holiday fun
It's Christmas on acid
Christmas on acid

The turkey's dancing on grandma's head
and her eyes are a devil red
Santa's dead; oh, Santa's dead

Why do I see these things?
It's not the rum and eggnog
It's not the holiday fun
It's Christmas on acid
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