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I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone
It's a beautiful day, it's raining and it's cold
Reflected onto the wet pavement, can you see what I see?
The trembling image of my eyes that are still free
I pass through noise and silence, I walk alone
It's a beautiful day, it's raining and it's cold
Reflected onto the wet pavement, can you see what I see?
The trembling image of my eyes that are still free
And they say silver, I choose gold
I'm not afraid to be alone
Someone will judge his gentle soul
Let the boy cry and he will know
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
You're always waiting for somebody and you don't like yourself
They made you change, do you remember when you were someone else?
Soldiers and dolls won't give away my childhood dreams
I was a pirate, I conquered, and I sailed free
You're always waiting for somebody and you don't like yourself
They made you change, do you remember when you were someone else?
Soldiers and dolls won't give away my childhood dreams
I was a pirate, I conquered, and I sailed free
And they say silver, I choose gold
I'm not afraid to be alone
Someone will judge her crazy soul
Let the girl fight and she will know
And they say silver, I choose gold
I'm not afraid to be alone
Someone will judge his gentle soul
Let the boy cry and he will know
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
And they say silver, I choose gold
I've never done as I've been told
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