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Luv' - One more little kissie

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Titre : One more little kissie

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : Janschen And Janschens*

Pochette : Claude Vanheye - Frans Sam (maquillage) - Carla Van der Vorst (costumes) - Myosotis

Durée : 3 m 24 s

Label : Carrère

Référence : 67.630

Présentation : Extrait de "Forever Yours", leur quatrième album.

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Lala, lala, lalala, la, lalala

It's cold, have to go and I wonder what time in the morning
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?
Come a little closer, before, yeah, before it's-a dawning
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?

Hold me close, hold me near
'Cause I know you'll disappear
No not there, do it here
Now your sailing time is near

Tell me when you're coming again 'cause I like to look forward
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?


One more little kissie
Before you must go
One more little kissie
At the end of the show

If you say you love me
I will set you free
So see you next weekend
I hope, wait and see
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Lala, lala, lalala, la, lalala

Baby come on home our time will too soon be all over
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?
Grant me just a few of your hours delay to think over
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?

Hold me close, hold me near
'Cause I know you'll disappear
No not there, do it here
Now your sailing time is near

What a life, it's your life, living just for the week, for the weekend
Time, is it time, is it time, is it time to go home?


One more little kissie
Before you must go
One more little kissie
At the end of the show

If you say you love me
I will set you free (I will set you free)
So see you next weekend
I hope, wait and see
One more little kissie
Before you must go
One more little kissie
At the end of the show
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