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And if that's not lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And there's no such thing as Doctor Seuss
Or Disneyland, and Mother Goose, no nursery rhyme
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And when my self is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow to ease my mind
And if that ain't lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And there's no such thing as make-believe
Puppy dogs, autumn leaves 'n' BB guns
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't snow in Minneapolis when the winter comes
And when my self is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow to ease my mind
If that's not lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
There's no such thing as Doctor Seuss
Disneyland, or Mother Goose, there's no nursery rhyme
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't snow in Indianapolis when the winter comes
And when my self is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow to ease my mind
If that's not lovin' me
Then all I've got to say
That's really lovin' me
I mean that's love
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