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I'm not knocking your want to carry that home
Took it with you when you moved and got it broke
Found the pieces we counted them all alone
Didn't add up forgot to carry a zero
I can't be your apologist very long
I'm surprised that you'd want to carry that on
Count your blemishes you can't they're all gone
I can't see your response putting them back on
Like they're waiting for your guard to fall
So they can see it all and you're so
Occupied with what other persons are
Occupied with and vice versa
And you've become what you thought was dumb
A fraction of the sum
Yeah, you've become
Yeah, you have become
A fraction of the sum
The middle and the front
And now it's coming back
Hasn't it come too far?
I was trying to help
But I guess I pushed too hard
Now we can't even touch it
Afraid it'll fall apart
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