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Elton John - Ego

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Ego

Année : 1978

Auteurs compositeurs : Elton John - Bernie Taupin

Pochette : Norman Parkinson

Durée : 4 m

Label : The Rocket Record Company

Référence : 2C 008 - 60.738

Présentation : 45 tours hors album d'Elton John, ou à défaut rajouté dans les bonus des rééditions CD de "A single man".

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Take a look at me now
And take a taste of the money
I'm not in it for the bread
I'm in it for the gravy honey
Step on the thin ice lightly
And check out the show twice nightly
Oh cause I'm, I'm on the stage tonight
And if the price is right
I'll, I will amaze before the light
I crave the light mmm blinding white
I need the light tonight

Take a look at me now
And take a look at my billing
I'm not in it as an extra
I'm in it for the killing
Inflate my ego gently
Tell them heaven sent me
Oh 'cause I'm, I'm so expressive
And I'm so obsessed
With my ego, my ego
And it's message oo inform the press
Invite the guests I need the press tonight

Do you remember acting out your youth
A romeo resplendent on an orange case
Do you remember how I would recite
And how I'd blow my lines
And hide my face
Well maybe it was childish, foolish
Before schoolish, immaturish, lose your coolish
Well I had to grow and prove my ego

Take a look at me now
And take a taste of the money
I'm not in it for the bread
I'm in it for the gravy honey
Inflate my ego gently
Go tell them heaven sent me
Oh cause I'm, I'm so expressive
And I'm so obsessed
With my ego, my ego
And it's message oo inform the press
invite the guests I need the press tonight

Do you remember how I would recite
And how I'd blow my lines
And hide my face
Well maybe it was childish, foolish
Before schoolish, immaturish, lose your coolish
Well I had to grow and prove my ego
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