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[Verse 1]
Well, people stop me often, and ask if I'm Merv Griffin
But I don't even know him; I've never seen his show
Now everybody loves him; what would they do without him?
They ask me all about him (Hey, what about Merv Griffin?)
And I don't even know
His name is not Merv Griffin, his name is not Merv Griffin
His name is not Merv Griffin, his real name is George
[Verse 2]
They think that they all know me; they tell me I'm their buddy
They want to touch my body; they want to go to bed
They give me pens and pencils; they give me candy apples
They want to see my nipples; I wish that they were dead
His name is not Merv Griffin, his name is not Merv Griffin
His name is not Merv Griffin, his real name is George
[Verse 3]
I can't go to the bathroom without somebody peekin'
And someone's always sneakin', and things are getting worse!
People steal my undies, my jockstraps and my panties!
My doctor takes my urine and sells it to his nurse!
His name is not Merv Griffin, his name is not Merv Griffin
His name is not Merv Griffin, his real name is George
My name is not Merv Griffin! My name is not Merv Griffin!
My name is not Merv Griffin! My real name is George!
His name is not Merv Griffin, his name is not Merv Griffin
His name is not Merv Griffin, his real name is George
His re-al, name, is, Geo-o-o-o-o-o-orge!
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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La chanson "Je cherche après Titine" de Emma Liebela été reprise par M. Léonce, par Marcelly, par Andrex, par Yves Montand, par Georgette Plana et par Jean-Jacques Debout.
En tchèque, "PÃseň o vyÅ¡inutém trpaslÃkovi" est chanté par Jiřà Suchý & Akord Club ou par Jitka Molavcová.
En anglais, "Titina" a été utilisée pour la comédie musicale interprétée à Broadway, "Puzzles in 2025", interprétée par Arthur Hall et l'International Novelty Orchestra ou par Billy Murray.
La version finnoise, "Titina" a été interprétée par Rita Elmùgen et par Eija Sinikka.
En italien, "Io cerco la Titina" a été chantée par Roberto Ciaramella, par Pippo Starnazza, par Rita Pavone ou par Gabriella Ferri.
Une parodie, "My name is not Merv Griffin" est chantée par Gary Muller.
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