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Grace Jones - Fame

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Fame

Année : 1978

Auteurs compositeurs : Gil Slavin – Jack Robinson

Pochette : Richard Bernstein - Francis Ing - Sonia Moskewitz

Durée : 5 m 37 s

Label : Island Records – 9123 031

Référence : Island Records – 9123 031

Présentation : Extrait de son deuxième album du même nom.

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Fame, like to make me a name, nothing less than the best for me
Fame, trading love for a name, and there's no one to blame but me
You were the one [who can never to] love me
I, ? take your place
You were the one that I needed
But stars don't need love, their so far above
Just screaming ?

Where are you?
Can't you hear me singing for you baby?
Where are you?
Come on back, I need you, won't you save me?

Fame, burning bright as a flame, but it drove you away from me
Fame, whats the use of this game, if I can't have you back with me
Making the big time, making the money, somehow it don't seem to take the place of
Never alone but I'm lonely, I search through the crowd and I never see your face

Where are you?
Can't you hear me singing for you baby?
Where are you?
Come on back, I need you, won't you save me?

Where are you?
Can't you hear me singing for you baby?
Where are you?
Come on back, I need you, won't you save me?
See upcoming pop shows

Fame, gonna drive me insane, like it drove you away from me
Fame, so alone with my name, even that don't belong to me
Running away won't help me forget you
I ? to find you and end this race so..,
Life on the road is so lonely
? one night stands that never take your place

Where are you?
Can't you hear me singing for you baby?
Where are you?
Come on back, I need you, won't you save me?

Fame, whats the use of this game if I can't have you back with me?
Fame, so alone with my name, even that don't belong to me
Fame, tried to make me a name, and there's no one to blame but me
Fame, gonna drive me insane, like it drove you away from me
Fame, tried to make me a name, I've got no one to blame but me
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