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Placebo - Nancy Boy

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Titre : Nancy Boy

Année : 1996

Auteurs compositeurs : Brian Molko / Robert Schultzberg / Stefan Olsdal

Pochette : Saul Fletcher / Blue Source

Durée : 3 m 45 s

Label : Elevator Music / Virgin

Référence : 7243 8 94064 2 9,

Présentation : Extrait de Placebo, leur premier album.

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Alcoholic kind of mood
Lose my clothes, lose my lube
Cruising for a piece of fun
Looking out for number one
Different partner every night
So narcotic outta sight
What a gas
What a beautiful ass

And it all breaks down at the role reversal
Got the muse in my, head she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

And it all breaks down at the first rehearsal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

Kind of buzz that lasts for days
Had some help from insect ways
Comes across all shy and coy
Just another nancy boy
Woman man or modern monkey
Just another happy junkie
Fifty pounds
Press my button, going down

And it all breaks down at the role reversal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

And it all breaks down at the first rehearsal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

Does his makeup in his room
Douse himself with cheap perfume
Eyeholes in a paper bag
Greatest lay I ever had
Kind of guy who mates for life
Gotta help him find a wife
We're a couple
When our bodies double

And it all breaks down at the role reversal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

And it all breaks down at the first rehearsal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

And it all breaks down at the role reversal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me

And it all breaks down at the first rehearsal
Got the muse in my head, she's universal
Spinnin' me round, she's coming over me, me
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